The NACBT provides cognitive-behavioral training (Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced) covering a wide variety of treatment issues in the following formats:
(1) Seminars & Workshops
The NACBT conducts seminars and workshops throughout the United States and Canada. These offerings are scheduled and promoted by the NACBT. For more information on our scheduled workshops, click here.
(2) Onsite Training
The NACBT provides onsite training in CBT. Mental health centers, hospitals, military treatment facilities, and other businesses often contact the NACBT to provide onsite training their employees. To request information on having the NACBT provide onsite training for your business, click here.
The following is a list of some of the treatment centers for whom the NACBT has provided onsite training.
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3) Conferences
The NACBT holds an annual conference the first week of June each year. The conference is open to both members and non-members. The conference usually emphasizes intensive training programs. For more information on our next scheduled conference, click here
(4) Home Study
The NACBT offers continuing education home-study programs in cognitive-behavioral therapy. For more information on our home-study programs, click here.
Mental Health Issues
NACBT seminars can be adapted to the specific issues you and your staff face. Among the topics addressed are:
* General Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
* Rational Living Therapy
* Mood Disorders
* Anxiety Disorders
* Personality Disorders
* Anger / Guilt
* Child / Adolescent Issues
* Eating Disorders
* Difficult & Challenging Clients
* Overcoming Resistance
* Martial / Family Problems