Overcoming Loneliness: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Join us for our webinar on grief!

Overcoming Loneliness: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Date: November 13, 2024
Time: Noon – 2:00 pm Eastern Time
Cost: $20

Presenter: Dr. Aldo R. Pucci

( NO Continuing Education Credits are Available for this Training )

To Register, please visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K1aFhcAzS92dZ5wr2nbSZQ

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About This Webinar

It is problematic to attempt to solve an emotional problem with a practical solution.  It simply does not work.  It is very common for mental health professionals to suggest a practical solution to loneliness, e.g., meet people and develop friendships.  However, underlying assumptions about being alone that cause them to feel miserable remain if only a practical solution is suggested.

This webinar will teach clinicians a CBT how to help clients to un-distress themselves over being alone, as well as how to identify and correct irrational thoughts that keep them from having their desired level of social interaction.

What You Will Learn

  • How to define loneliness from a cognitive-behavioral perspective
  • How to identify and correct reasons for clients making themselves miserable over being alone
  • How to identify and correct reasons for clients being alone when their desire is to be with others
  • Apply the therapeutic system to produce long-term results

Cancellation can be made via Zoom at any time until the commencement of the webinar.   Please direct any questions or concerns to nacbt@nacbt.org”.

About the Presenter
Dr. ALDO R. PUCCI, is President of the National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists. Dr. Pucci was trained in Rational Behavior Therapy by its originator, internationally acclaimed psychiatrist Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr., MD. Dr. Pucci then went on to develop his own form of CBT known as “Rational Living Therapy.” He has trained thousands of mental health clinicians and has presented his workshops and certification seminars on Rational Living Therapy and Rational Hypnotherapy throughout the United States. Dr. Pucci’s seminars receive rave reviews. He holds the titles of Diplomate in Psychotherapy (The International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy), Diplomate in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (NACBT), Certified Medical Hypnotherapist (Institute of Medical Hypnosis), and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (National Board for Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Anesthesiology). Dr. Pucci is the author of many articles and two books, The Client’s Guide to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Feel the Way You Want to Feel…No Matter What!

( NO Continuing Education Credits are Available for this Training )

To Register, please visit:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_K1aFhcAzS92dZ5wr2nbSZQ